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What Is The Cost Of Obamacare?

What Is Obamacare?

Obamacare insurance typically refers to individual and family plans purchased on the health insurance Marketplace created to implement the Affordable Care Act. In order to expand healthcare access and reduce associated costs, the Affordable Care Act was enacted. Obamacare plans include essential health benefits like free preventive care and mental health care.

How Much Does Obamacare Cost?

Obamacare costs vary based on your age, location, family size, income, and health insurance plan choice. Listed below are the factors that contribute to each factor.


A person’s location can play a significant role in the cost of their health insurance. Due to differences in state and local laws, as well as varying levels of cost of living, this is the case. There is also a role played by the amount of competition between insurance companies in different locations.


Premiums for older individuals can be higher than those for younger individuals. In any case, this cannot exceed three times the premium for younger people. The cost of health insurance can also increase by up to 50 percent for people who use tobacco.

Plan Types

Depending on whether you choose an individual or family plan, and whether you choose a cheaper or more comprehensive plan, your premium will vary. Health insurance plans fall into five categories: catastrophic, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Under 30 year olds and those with certain exemptions are eligible for the first option. The other four tend to have lower monthly premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs. The balance shifts upwards all the way to Platinum plans, which offer the lowest out-of-pocket costs and the highest monthly premiums. Find out what the differences between Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans are in our quick guide to metal levels.

Amount of Income

A person’s income interacts with their household size and location to determine whether they are eligible for ACA subsidies to reduce their Obamacare costs. Depending on the state, Obamacare plans cost an average of $411 a month without subsidies. But thanks to these subsidies, about 18 percent of Obamacare enrollees pay no premium, while 26 percent pay less than $10 a month.

Government Subsidies

In order to qualify for subsidies, you must earn between 100 and 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. Cost-sharing reductions and premium tax credits are the two types of health insurance subsidies. If you earn between 100 percent and 138 percent of the federal poverty line, location is important. 

If your state has expanded Medicaid, you might qualify for Medicaid and should apply for it instead of Obamacare. Subsidies won’t be available if you qualify for Medicaid but choose to buy an Obamacare health insurance plan instead.

In addition, states can restrict how much each of these factors impacts your premium. Your Obamacare premiums cannot be determined by where you live, your gender, current health, or medical history.

The Costs Of Obamacare’s Health Care?

The cost of healthcare is made up of many components, including health insurance premiums. If you have Obamacare coverage or employer-sponsored coverage, this applies to you. Consider other factors such as health insurance deductibles, copays, coinsurance, out-of-pocket maximums, and network coverage when choosing a plan. In some cases, a plan with a higher premium is actually less expensive when you factor in health care costs. 

Consider your current medical needs, as well as any future medical needs you will have. You can calculate your best plan by comparing premiums and health care costs associated with different plans.

Get Obamacare Insurance

Find out what options are available to you by contacting our licensed agents today. We will be able to provide you with quotes instantly if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. 

✏️ Published: 08/29/2022   👨🏻‍💼 By: Fernando Yemail

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